Joset Designs

Winter Wonderland

December 10, 2021

Hello everyone! Today I want to show you something super cool. At least I think it’s super cool. I thought it would be really nice to make a galaxy background. For this I started working with different colors of Distress Ink. First you will apply the different colors in surfaces. I used the following colors for this: Picked Raspberry, Seedless Preserves, Squeezed Lemonade and Peacock Feathers. When you have applied these colors it doesn’t look like a galaxy background at all. But then you will apply the color Chipped Sapphire from the outside.

I used the Mason Jar as a base page. Love this planner page to use in combination with the lovely figures of Joset. After you have applied the color Chipped Shapphire, do the same with the color Black Soot. Only you don’t do this completely but mainly along the edges and a piece of your background. When you’re happy with your background, drizzle some water over your work with a spray bottle. Not too much just a few splashes here en there. You can dab off excess with a piece of tissue paper. Finally some splashes whit white acrylic paint. I diluted this with water and then splashed it with a bruse. And look there is your galaxy background.

The Mason Jar set also includes a great ice floe. I edited this one with the super cool silk microfine glitter from Elizabeth Craft Design. This is really a product that I use a lot. You just have to try this!

On top of the ice floe I placed the Pinguin. This one is warming up a fish by the fire. There are some extra fish in the mini mason jar for later. Some cute holly sprigs at the top along the edges. The lid of the mason jar, in this case the bottom, I made of cork. To finish it all a wrinkled ribbon around the lid. The snowflake reinforces fit perfectly with this page.

I hope you like this page as much as I do and get started with yourself! See you next time hopefully!

Other used products:

  • distress ink
  • cork
  • ribbon
  • glue

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  • Yolanda December 11, 2021 at 3:45 am

    So so very cool! A wonderful technique!

  • Di Wong December 10, 2021 at 2:33 pm

    What a darling page. Your background is really interesting and makes your penguin really pop.

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